Study Group “Musical Iconography”

Mission Statement

The main goal of the IMS Study Group “Musical Iconography” is to promote scholarly exchange on musical iconography within musicological, art historical, historical, cultural, and anthropological studies. It regularly organizes international conferences, study days, and doctoral seminars on varying topics from antiquity to the twenty-first century. Furthermore it maintains a specialized bibliography on its website.

The study group was established during the international conference “Musical Iconography in the XXI Century: Mapping European Art for Context and Meaning” (Ravenna, 7–10 June 2006) and acknowledged by the IMS Directorium at the end of June 2006.


Björn R. Tammen (AT)

Steering Committee

Nicoletta Guidobaldi (IT), Luzia Rocha (PT)




For a report of recent activities, as well as older reports, see the IMS Publication Archive.