Study Group “History of the IMS”

Mission Statement

The IMS Study Group “History of the IMS” unites scholars interested in the history of the International Musicological Society, its forerunners (such as the Internationale Musikgesellschaft or the Société Union Musicologique), and related international organizations in the field of twentieth-century music. It focuses on the institutionalized border-crossing networks of musicologists and on the intersection of the international level with national and local interests. The goal of the study group is to establish and maintain a collaborative exchange about existing and often unknown source materials, to encourage discussion of its findings, and to enable the publication of resulting research.

The study group was founded on 7 September 2018, and had its first working meeting in St. Petersburg on 23 October 2018. At this meeting, the members decided to establish a mailing list to continue the fruitful discussions of the workshop and to exchange further ideas. This mailing list will be open to all interested scholars.

The study group is open to scholars from different disciplines (musicology, history, etc.) working on the history of the IMS or other international organizations in the field of music in a transnational perspective.


Dinko Fabris (IT), Jeanna Kniazeva (RU)



For a report of recent activities, as well as older reports, see the IMS Publication Archive.