Regional Association for East Asia (IMSEA)

Mission Statement

The aim of the IMS Regional Association for East Asia (IMSEA) is to provide a forum for exchanges among music researchers in the region, regardless of their areas of specializations and subjects of studies. IMSEA was founded at the Western Music Research Institute, Seoul National University, Korea (16–18 September 2011), and has held meetings every two years: National Taiwan University (2013), The University of Hong Kong (2015), Tokyo University of the Arts (2017), Soochow University, China (2019), Jeonbuk National University, Korea (2022), and Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan (2023). The eighth IMSEA conference will be held at Yunnan University in China from 19 to 21 September 2025.



Youn Kim (HK)

Steering Committee

Daniel K. L. Chua (HK), Aya Ito (JP), Feng-Shu Lee (TW), Kyung Myun Lee (KR), Meebae Lee (KR), Nozomi Sato (JP), Fumitaka Yamauchi (TW), Hui Yu (CN), Boyu Zhang (CN)




For a report of recent activities, as well as older reports, see the IMS Publication Archive.

Rules for IMSEA Governance

  1. The term of the steering committee chair will span the interval between three iterations of the IMSEA biennial conference.
  2. The selection of a new steering committee chair will take place through discussion and consensus of the members of the steering committee.
  3. The responsibilities of the various committees for each biennial conference are as follows:
    1. Steering committee: selection of the local host; selection of the members of the program and local organizing committees (the program committee must include one member each from the steering and local organizing committees); general oversight
    2. Program committee: determination of all scholarly content, including individual paper presenters, panelists, keynote speakers, and conference theme;
    3. Local organizing committee: provision of all logistical requirements, both on-site and virtual;
    4. All members of the above committees must also be members of the IMS.

Approved by the IMSEA Steering Committee on 11 January 2021.

The founding of IMSEA in Seoul, South Korea, in September 2011.
The founding of IMSEA in Seoul, South Korea, in September 2011.