Honorary Members of the IMS

Bonnie J. Blackburn (2022)
Malena Kuss (2022)
Dorothea Baumann (2019)
Madeleine Regli (2019)
H. Robert Cohen (2017)
David Fallows (2015)
Catherine Massip (2015)
Simha Arom (2012)
Tatsuo Minagawa (2012)
Pierluigi Petrobelli (2009)
Robert M. Stevenson (2007)

Michel Huglo (2007)
Ludwig Finscher (1992)
Rudolf Häusler (1992)
Hellmut Federhofer (1987)
Kurt von Fischer (1987)
Paul Henry Lang (1987)
Nino Pirrotta (1987)
Mathis Burckhardt (1983)
Eduard Reeser (1982)
Friedrich Blume (1973)
Ernst Mohr (1972)

Armen Carapetyan (1971)
Anthony van Hoboken (1962)
Higini Anglès (1958)
Charles van den Borren (1956)
Edward J. Dent (1949, Hon. Pres.)
Wilhelm Merian (1948)
Alfred Cortot (1928)
Guido Adler (1927, Hon. Pres.)
Henry Prunières (1927)

Honorary IMS Membership Committee (2022–27)

Chair: Daniel K. L. Chua (HK)
Members: Annegret Fauser (US), Christine Fischer (CH), Laura Tunbridge (UK)

Internal Regulations for Honorary IMS Memberships

  1. Recipients of the honor may be either IMS members (musicologists) or non-members, in the latter case with some connection to music (as performers, conductors, publishers, benefactors, etc.) that has been to the advantage of musicology.
  2. Honorary membership should only be extended for services to music insofar as these can also be said to advance musicology (historical performance practice, systematic collecting, monumental editing, etc.).
  3. Honorary membership can also be extended to persons in recognition of devoted service to the IMS.
  4. In the field of musicological scholarship, the contribution to be honored must be more than just academic distinction. It must be of an order (quality, influence, duration, international respect) that has succeeded in raising the person in question above the level enjoyed by so many of our members to the status of a household name among musicologists.
  5. The person to be honored should be nominated, discussed, and elected by the IMS Directorium, which is a guarantee for international representation and impartiality.
  6. Motivated nominations should be submitted to the IMS President to be circulated to the IMS Directorium in good time before the meeting at which they are to be considered.
  7. At the meeting, each nomination will be discussed and voting on the candidature will take place in the light of the discussion.
  8. In view of the importance that has been placed on the discussion of the proposed candidates in the meeting, the election shall take place with a simple majority of the members present for the discussion.

Approved by the IMS Directorium, 4 November 2021