The IMS serves the world community of musicologists. Many musicologists work in places that lack local institutions with the means to recognize their scholarship on a world-stage. The IMS is uniquely positioned to balance such disparity. In celebration of our centenary in 2027, we are establishing the IMS Centenary Fund, which will provide a series of prizes for emerging scholars to be distributed across the globe.
By 2027, we aim to raise CHF 100,000 to kickstart the fund. But the campaign is not so much about how much we raise as how many of us participate in the vision. It is about community. Our collective gift to musicologists in the next century of the IMS is to enable our members to flourish on a global scale, creating a multifaceted musicology from everywhere for everyone. Come, join our global vision, and give together. Tutti!
Please join us in giving …
How to give: Giving is simple. If you don’t require tax benefit from your donation, use the “World” donation form. As a not-for-profit association constituted in conformity with articles 60ff. of the Swiss Civil Code, donations may be tax-deductible depending on your country of residence.
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