Study Group “Italo-Ibero-American Relationships”

Mission Statement

The IMS Study Group “Italo-Ibero-American Relationships” (RIIA) was initiated at the 15th Quinquennial IMS Congress (Madrid, 1992). Its goal is the study of the role of musical theater in the great migrations of Europeans to Latin America between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. This is considered a complex research object and therefore RIIA is made up of scholars from European and American universities that deal with very different areas that flank historical musicology, ethnomusicology, the history of art, the history of cinema, and the history of aesthetic ideas.

RIIA is coordinated by the IMLA and made up of professors and students from the following universities:

  • Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (IT)
  • National University of General San Martín (AR)
  • University of São Paulo (BR)
  • University of the Republic (UY)
  • University of Valladolid (ES)


Annibale Cetrangolo (IT)




For a report of recent activities, as well as older reports, see the IMS Publication Archive.