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Musicologists without Borders
The International Musicological Society (IMS) was founded in 1927 in order to “further musicological research in its broadest sense among all peoples.” In the aftermath of World War I, musicologists in Europe sought community in a common purpose that transcended political borders and established an international society dedicated to the study of music.
Today, our mission is
- to connect every musicologist to the world community of musicology,
- by embracing the study of music in all its diversity
- and advancing musicological research across the globe
- in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration.
The IMS aspires to be both local and global, celebrating music studies by promoting a diversity of methods across the arts and sciences. We are not committed to any particular kind of music or type of scholarship—music and musicology are different depending on where you are in the world. Rather, we are dedicated to connecting people to creative networks of shared knowledge, fruitful practices, and new sounds. It is in this spirit that the IMS continues to pursue its original vision, facilitating musicological engagement and understanding across cultures.
Everyone who reflects on music can be a member of the IMS. Every member should discover, within our society, the creative frictions and broadening horizons that new encounters and renewed relationships can bring. If this is your vision of musicology, please join us and be a part of its realization.